Church Street




Did you know that many of the people you meet at events are volunteers?  If you’re interested in joining our team of fantastic volunteers at Colchester Arts Centre, then please read on.


We need dedicated, motivated, and enthusiastic individuals, working on our bars and as Front of House Stewards. It's mostly in the evening, so you'll need to expect some late finishes and be able to take care of your own transport to and from the venue. You'll be very busy; the work is often hard, but the rewards are great. You can pick the events you’d like to work at, we just ask that you volunteer at least once a month.

Front of House Stewards:

Our stewards assist in the smooth running of events. Duties include welcoming customers, checking & selling tickets, assisting customers with access requirements, acting as ushers to find seats and tidying the venue at the end of a show. You should be confident in dealing with the public and able to work as part of a team.

Front of House stewards should be able to work with minimal supervision and are ‘on duty’ for the whole of the event. Stewards should be at least 16 years old (unless accompanied by a parent) and at some shows should be over 18

Duties may include the following  

·       Welcoming customers

·       Scanning QR codes for tickets using mobile scanners.

·       Where tickets are still available sell tickets on the door using a card machine and record the number of such sales made.

·       Assisting customers with access requirements

·       Answering customer enquiries 

·       At seated shows helping customers find vacant seats

·       Manage people going in and out during an event 

·       During seated shows keeping vigilant for any disruptions such as talking, photography or filming and politely remind people if required.

·      Ensuring any audience or security issues are identified early and flagged to the Duty Manager.

·      At the end of an event helping to clear the space of litter, glasses, cups and/or stacking chairs.

·       Assisting with the safe evacuation of premises if required

Bar staff:

Our bar staff serve drinks from our licenced bars either preshow and during an interval or throughout an event dependant on the nature of the show.

As well as serving drinks bar staff will help re-stock the bars and help with cleaning and tidying of the bars at the end of the evening.

Bar staff should be over 18 and although supported by an Arts Centre bar supervisor should be confident in asking for age id and recognising customers who may have had too much to drink and escalating to the bar supervisor to refuse service.


We'd love to hear from you! Please complete the application form below to find out more.

Do you have any medical conditions, including allergies, of which we should be aware?
Do you have any access needs that may require reasonable adjustments to perform our volunteer roles?
Please provide basic information - if necessary we will follow up with a further discussion of your access needs.
Please give an email address and/or phone number, and indicate in what capacity you know this person