Church Street


Wonderful Wednesdays: Eloina - High Steaks

Tickets Pay What You Can
Doors open 7.30pm, show starts 8pm
Age Guidance 18 years + 
Content warnings full frontal nudity, strong language, handling and cooking of raw meat, references to self-harm and strong language used throughout.
This show is for a seated audience

High Steaks is a show about labia, labia-shaming, cosmetic surgery & fundamentally, body lovin'. 

Award-winning, queer performer, ELOINA, hangs two beef steaks from her labia, butchers them up & sizzles them on a grill. And...her mum is in the show.

Seamlessly melding performance art and comedy clowning, HIGH STEAKS discusses rising demands in young people for labiaplasty - plastic surgery to make the labia smaller/more symmetrical. Through live conversations with her mum and recorded interviews with labia-owners, HIGH STEAKS is a call for increased visibility of varied vulvas and a celebration of our vulvas in all their shapes & sizes.

Please download and read the access document before the show. 
Access Document for audience members

Team: Birthed, Created, Performed & Produced by ELOINA 
Directed by Louise Orwin 
STAR OF THE SHOW - Mama (Annie Haines) 
Developed with PARL (Performance Art Research, Ljubljana), Queen Mary University of London, Jackson’s Lane, Camden People’s Theatre

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