About the Arts Award Programme...
- Arts Award inspires young people to grow their arts and leadership talents: it's creative, valuable and accessible.
- Arts Award's mission is to support children and young people to enjoy the arts, develop creative and leadership skills, and achieve a national qualification.
- Arts Award reflects many different interests and ambitions, respects individual development and helps young people to define creative futures.
- It's a wonderful way for children to make new friends, build their confidence, share ideas, learn and help from each other. Over four days the children have a large space within the arts centre which is theirs to own and explore. Lunchtimes will be taken outside to the picturesque Mercury Theatre garden just a few feet away.
- Arts Award can be achieved at five levels, four accredited qualifications and an introductory award.
- Arts Award is managed by Trinity College London in association with Arts Council England.
- Each week the children will be working with different artists. Our Artistic Coordinator is the Arts Award Advisor and will be delivering these exciting opportunities with colleagues from the creative industries.
This year the theme will work around the voice of the storyteller. Each day we will focus on different aspects; storytellers of the past and around the world, their work, the use of drama and movement in telling a story. We will look at the use of colour, sound lighting within storytelling with a shared performance of the children's collaborative stories which they will have created. Parents and families will be invited to the performance. On completion of the log books you will be sent a certificate from Trinity College.
The Explore Award is an entry level 3 QCF qualification. This single- unit qualification encourages children and young people to take part in different arts activities and record what inspires them, to experience the work of artists and arts organisations like us at Colchester Arts Centre. They will create art work and will present their exploration to others. They will record their progress in an arts log - on completion of the log books they will be sent a certificate from Trinity College.
Tickets are : £48 full price £24 concessions. Half price for siblings.
Age range:
Discover Week 5-11 years
Explore Week 7-11 years
From Parents:
"Thank you very much and we are very much interested to do more stuff like this to build the children's confidences and get them communicating with each other".
"My son says it was EPIC, couldn't have been better. I really enjoyed it too".
"Just want to say i think this is a fantastic programme. My son has really enjoyed it and much more suitable for his imagination. It is brilliant, we all enjoyed it, thank you".
From Children:
"I had a really good time here and I want to do it again if anything like this happens again." Faith, 8 years.
"I've enjoyed everything here. I've been learning a lot and making everything, making friends too and it has been a lovely experience". Ethan, 7 years.
"This has been awesome". Leon, 10 years.